The CHILD_5G project will contribute to improvement of the existing knowledge regarding the exposure of the whole population to one or multiple electromagnetic (EM) sources operating in the 5G bands positioned in the near- or far- field with respect to the user. This will include the study of the power absorption and resulting heat rise as a function of age as well as during pregnancy. CHILD_5G will develop deterministic and stochastic computational methods, to cope with the high complexity and variability of the exposure scenarios, including thermal analysis. EM and thermal analysis will be performed on human models of increasing complexity accounting for the interindividual variability (skin thickness, humidity, physiological condition, etc.), the age dependence of the EM and thermal properties, and anatomy. This multifaced approach will allow providing accurate children and pregnant women exposure assessment considering both realistic and representative 5G exposures scenario and use cases.
This project will be carried out at Institut d’Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique (IETR), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (France) in collaboration with the Institute of Electronic, Information Engineering and Telecommunications of the National Research Council of Italy (IEIIT CNR) (Italy).